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The importance of pets for seniors

5th Jul, 2023



The Importance of Our Pet Families!

For some of us, our families are spread out all over the country, maybe even the world in some cases. Not all of us are fortunate enough to have our loved ones as close as we would like, but we are lucky to enjoy the company of our furry family that help to keep us active and lift our spirits daily.

Many Americans are choosing to age in place. A large part of…

I’m a Financial Planning Expert: Here Are My Best Tips for Living Off of Social Security

21st Jun, 2023



I’m a Financial Planning Expert: Here Are My Best Tips for Living Off of Social Security


For some people in their 20s, when they land that first great job and have some disposable income to spare, their attention — and money — turn to spending on a fun car or a stellar downtown apartment. But the experts say it’s actually time to start saving for something…

New IRS Life Expectancy Tables Creates “Arbitrage” Opportunity

20th Jun, 2023



New IRS Life Expectancy Tables Creates “Arbitrage” Opportunity

From: Sterling Foundation Management

Recent IRS actions may create an opportunity to receive a premium price for your charitable remainder trust interests.

On June 1, 2023, the IRS finally adopted “new” mortality tables. We place the word “new” in quotation marks because the tables in question are based on 2010 data.

The world has changed drastically since 2010, and so the IRS’s new tables are…

5 Charts About the Super Concentrated Stock Market

9th Jun, 2023



5 Charts About the Super Concentrated Stock Market


We may be entering a new bull market, but nearly all of 2023′s returns are from the largest stocks, including Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia.

It may seem like the stock market is having a good year. But take a closer look, and you see that its gains are more highly concentrated than ever before. Just a handful of stocks are responsible for…

A Guide to Turning 65

5th Jun, 2023



A Guide to Turning 65


According to a 2019 U.S. Census Bureau report, more than 10,000 people in the U.S. turn 65 every day a number that’s only going to grow over the next five years. In addition to being the age at which Americans become eligible for Medicare, 65 has long been regarded as the traditional age for retirement. But as we’re living longer, and in many…

4 risks to retirement income

1st Jun, 2023



4 risks to retirement income

From: Allianz

Clients in today’s economic environment need to be prepared for a variety of risks to their financial well-being. Their retirement strategy in particular needs a mix of assets that can help support and protect long-term goals.

Along with traditional sources of retirement income – including Social Security benefits, a 401(k), an annuity, and other investments – a fixed index universal life insurance (FIUL) policy can play an important…

Community Property Opt-in & Directed Trust Laws

16th May, 2023



Community Property Opt-in & Directed Trust Laws


In this whitepaper I’ll review two recently enacted Florida statutes that provide additional opportunities in your estate plans. I’ll also review one strategy to consider if you have adult children with highly appreciated property. The first statute affects married couples, The Florida Community Property Trust Act. The other new Florida law is for clients who want a professional trustee, but don’t want…

What’s the Best-Performing Asset Type During a Recession?

11th May, 2023



What’s the Best-Performing Asset Type During a Recession?


While bonds disappointed as diversifiers in 2022, they’ve historically performed well during economic downturns.

The Federal Reserve’s campaign to stamp out inflation by lifting interest rates caused pain for both stocks and bonds last year, prompting correlations between the two assets to increase sharply. But surging interest rates have given rise to another worry: Could the Fed overshoot on interest rates, pushing…

Life Expectancy Infographic

8th May, 2023



The Society of Actuaries created this great retirement infographic that communicates life expectancy in a very simple way. Many people base their planning on what their grandparents or parents experienced, but individual life expectancies have improved dramatically over the past century.