David H. Morgan

David Morgan MSFS, CEA, CFF, RMA

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Let the experts & a true fiduciary MANAGE YOUR FINANCES for a successful future! Our expertise can improve all facets of your life, estate planning, financial, income and taxation. At REAP we are a truly multi-disciplinary advisory firm designed to aid you in your success. We are proud to have helped many families and individuals over the years. With our honesty and your trust, you can feel better knowing your financial affairs are organized.

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It would be our pleasure to schedule a meeting to discuss your needs and goals. Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as swiftly as possible! - David H. Morgan
David H. Morgan

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Would you like to have the loose ends of your financial life tied together through a comprehensive financial plan? At REAP we work hard day and night so that we can deliver on our promise: To be there for each client’s individual needs in a way they won’t find anywhere else. We want to provide you with an outstanding customer service experience that you will love.

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David H. Morgan on KOOL 100.9 FM Radio

Listen to David Morgan talk about REAP on KOOL 100.9 FM at the Senior Health & Wellness Expo:

Recent REAP Newsletters

Embrace Learning: The Rewarding Path of Education in Retirement …

May 29, 2024

Retirement, a phase often associated with leisure, is increasingly becoming a time for educational rejuvenation. More retirees are recognizing the value of returning to academia [...]

Secure Your Financial Freedom with These Tips …

May 9, 2024

Building personal financial health is crucial for reducing reliance on Social Security and Medicare. Proactive financial planning not only secures long-term stability [...]

3 Retirement Trends to Watch in 2024 …

November 30, 2023

Many of us have a picture of what the average retiree looks like, but the way people view retirement and how they want to spend their golden years is changing [...]

How to Calculate Your Net Worth …

November 16, 2023

Your net worth is a measure of your total assets minus your liabilities. While that sounds easy enough to determine, you have to consider more [...]

What to Know About Passing Down Property …

October 26, 2023

Do you want to keep your home in the family? You have several options to pass down property, but it is important to consider what option works [...]

Preparing Your Finances for Parenthood …

October 12, 2023

Parenthood is a major milestone. Are you ready for the financial changes that come along with having a child? New and expecting parents need [...]

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