High Gain Allocation Q4 2018
Active and Passive Cycles: Better Together
How an annuity can enhance your retirement portfolio
Today, your retirement portfolio may include stocks, bonds and mutual funds that all play a part in helping you achieve a successful retirement. However, you may want to consider adding an annuity, which can complement your portfolio by providing attributes for retirement those categories do not offer. The chart below outlines these retirement attributes, particularly the ability of annuities to deliver the reliable lifetime income you’ll need in retirement. Annuities may not be right…
Retirement is a Cash Flow Problem
It may sound like common sense, or even cliché, but many who were born in the 1930’s or 1940’s grew up listening to parents discuss the “stock market” as a source of destruction and loss. As a result, those retirees may seek to “fix” their income in a world where the cost of lifestyle sustaining goods increases year after year. The problem is exacerbated in traditional systematic withdrawal programs when retiring at a market…