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The Biggest Wealth Transfer

25th May, 2022



The Biggest Wealth Transfer

From: Joeseph Clark, CFEd®, RFC®

It has arrived, the money’s in motion. The money tsunami of over 20 trillion dollars. The age of the Baby Boomers, of 10,000 people turning age 65 years old for the next 19 years in the U.S. since January, 2011.

As Boomers pull the plug with employment and head into retirement, there is an extremely important need for new ways to preserve…

Real World Index Annuity Returns

25th May, 2022



Real World Index Annuity Returns

From: Wharton Financial Institutions Center


• We offer the first empirical exploration of fixed indexed annuity returns based upon actual contracts that were sold and actual interest that was credited.
• Annuity returns have been competitive with alternative portfolios of stocks and bonds.
• Their design has limited the downside returns associated with declining markets.
• They have achieved respectable returns in more robust equity markets.
• Studies that have…

Retirement Pros Take On Inflation, 4% Rule at Morningstar

19th May, 2022



Retirement Pros Take On Inflation, 4% Rule at Morningstar


When it comes to inflation’s effect on retirees, the big concern is health care. For example, at age 65, 10% of savings might be spent on it, but at 85, that jumps to 20%, said David Blanchett, managing director and head of retirement research for PGIM DC Solutions, at Morningstar’s annual conference session, State of Retirement Income,…

How Pension Income Is Taxed

16th May, 2022



How Pension Income Is Taxed


Learn what to expect in taxes if you receive a pension in retirement.

Some companies and government organizations provide a pension to their employees, which typically provides a lifetime monthly income. Your employer will usually fund the plan and then guarantee that you will receive a certain amount during retirement. When you retire, you will get a monthly income that can be used to support…

12th May, 2022



Rightsizing, or the act of reducing something to make it more efficient, is a great concept to apply to home ownership. After all of the kids are moved out of the house, retirees find themselves in the position of having unused space. This can lead to increased costs in utility bills, property taxes, and maintenance. If rightsizing sounds like an attractive option to you as an empty nester, here are some…

How to Prepare Portfolios for Rising Interest Rates

12th May, 2022



How to Prepare Portfolios for Rising Interest Rates


Historical data helps identify assets that may be positioned to fare well when higher rates threaten fixed-income and equity returns

For a good illustration of how investors typically react to the prospect of higher interest rates, look at what happened in January 2022. News that the US Federal Reserve (Fed) might begin raising rates as early as March sparked market volatility that…

It’s natural to see ebbs and flows in the market as we enter a new era of monetary policy

5th May, 2022



It’s natural to see ebbs and flows in the market as we enter a new era of monetary policy


The S&P 500 suffered its worst start to a year, in the first four months of 2022, in over 80 years.

Three major U.S. indexes plunged again on Thursday as investors got tripped by a hawkish Federal Reserve’s fight against inflation amid fears of a hard-landing.
