Archive for Developer

S&P 500 Returns Over The Last 40 Years

29th Jul, 2024


S&P 500 Returns Over The Last 40 Years


11.6% per year over the past 40 years — you’re free to have your own feelings about investing in the stock market, but you can’t have your own facts.

This 40 year period has included recessions, wars, Y2K, 9/11, the tech bubble, the real estate meltdown, political turmoil, etc.

When you stay scared and keep your money uninvested, you miss out on a…

The Meaning of Stewardship

18th Jul, 2024


By David H. Morgan

From talk given at Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church

We are living in turbulent times. Al around us in the past year we have witnessed a myriad of storms:

1. Natural Ones: such as many hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, and other sorts of weather extremes. Just this morning, and many times recently, there remain more and more articles about rising seas nationally, continued turbulence in the oceans and the Gulf of Mexico, and local…

How Behavioral Factors Shape Retirement Wealth

18th Jul, 2024


How Behavioral Factors Shape Retirement Wealth


Wharton’s Olivia S. Mitchell states the stark truth about saving: “Let’s be honest, saving is no fun. People don’t get ‘utils’ (or utility) out of saving. They get utils out of spending. Therefore we must devise new ways to make saving more enjoyable.”

Retirees can get those utils if their savings, including pensions or annuities, are sufficient to finance their lifestyle…

Are Dispersion and Concentration in the Stock Market Too High?

16th Jul, 2024


Are Dispersion and Concentration in the Stock Market Too High?

U.S. large cap stocks, as measured by the S&P 500, delivered a solid performance in the first half of 2024. In January, the index eclipsed an all-time high, and in the five months that followed, it reached 31 more. Volatility has also been relatively subdued. In the first six months, there was only one instance when the index rose or fell by more than 2%…

The A, B, C’s and D of Stewardship

11th Jul, 2024


By David H. Morgan

From talk given at Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church

The A, B, C’s and D of Stewardship

What is stewardship and what does it mean to you, to me, and OBPC?

I think they can be best explained by the A, B, C, and D’s of giving:

I. My Personal History: Left Atlanta in 2003-04, searched for a church home for 3, 4 years. I opted to finally decide on OBPC for a myriad of reasons,…

Legacy Planning Checklist (NRI)

26th Jun, 2024


Legacy Planning Checklist

Legacy planning includes more than naming beneficiaries for the material things that you leave behind. It also includes documenting your wishes, in accordance with your values, for living life on your own terms. And it’s about planning ahead with your loved ones in mind.

It may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to happen all at once. You can start by having conversations with your family that will…

Florida Medicaid (SMMC-LTC) Income & Assets Limits for Nursing Homes & Long Term Care

17th Jun, 2024


Florida Medicaid (SMMC-LTC) Income & Assets Limits for Nursing Homes & Long Term Care


Florida Medicaid Long-Term Care Definition

Medicaid is a health care program for low-income individuals of any age. While there are various coverage groups, this page is focused on long-term care Medicaid eligibility for Florida senior residents (aged 65 and over). In addition to care services in nursing homes, adult family care homes (adult…

Bonds Take Center Stage

17th Jun, 2024


Bonds Take Center Stage

From: Amundi Asset Management

Short-term bonds may dominate cash in the next phase of monetary policy

• With yields on cash currently elevated, we appreciate why cash allocations have swelled.
• However, as the US Federal Reserve considers pivoting its stance, so too should investors.
• Against the interest rate risk inherent in most fixed income securities, investors should consider the reinvestment risk inherent in cash.
• Shifting exposure from cash to short-term bonds…

Got Questions About Medicare Hospice Services? Here Are Some Answers

17th Jun, 2024


Got Questions About Medicare Hospice Services? Here Are Some Answers


Learning about services that Medicare covers, and their cost, is an important discussion topic for Medicare beneficiaries. However, there is one subject that rarely comes up: hospice, end-of-life care for the terminally ill.

Many studies have shown that earlier end-of-life care can have a positive impact: reduced administration of unnecessary medications, fewer hospital admissions