Fundamentals are your most advanced investing techniques


I recently had the opportunity to spend time on Spruce Creek with fly fishing legend Joe Humphreys. At 89 years old, Joe has the same energy and enthusiasm about teaching fly fishing techniques that he had when I first met him more than 30 years ago.

Joe’s sense of humor, combined with the pearls of wisdom blended into his lessons, are always valuable in the moment, and even more so over future reflection. I was reminded of one such lesson on my recent trip. Joe shared that “The basic fundamentals, refined to perfection, are your most advanced techniques.” Joe had shared this with me over the years I have known him, but it particularly resonated with me now.

In my mind, this is as close to a universal truth as you are going to find. It can be applied to fly fishing, golf, football, medicine, business management, and of course investing.

When it comes to investing, those fundamentals can be boiled down to a few simple principals that guide us at Independence Advisors. These principles, if refined to perfection, can become your own most advanced techniques and your secret weapon in investing for the long-term. Following these principals will allow you to outperform the masses who are relying on the latest, most complicated and expensive solutions. Their reliance on these solutions gives them the false hope that complexity and efficacy are perfectly correlated and will improve their odds of meeting their financial goals.

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