S&P 500 Returns Over The Last 40 Years

From: linkedin.com

11.6% per year over the past 40 years — you’re free to have your own feelings about investing in the stock market, but you can’t have your own facts.

This 40 year period has included recessions, wars, Y2K, 9/11, the tech bubble, the real estate meltdown, political turmoil, etc.

When you stay scared and keep your money uninvested, you miss out on a lot of compound growth.

Albert Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.”

Every week/month/year will provide very rational sounding excuses to not invest right now, and yet here are the numbers.

The numbers don’t lie.

Remember: you can’t EARN your way to financial freedom. You’ve got to INVEST to get there.

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