By Hazel Bridges

If you’re an older adult who’s just starting to enjoy retirement, you’ve probably taken some time to evaluate your life and where you’re at. A poll by the University of Michigan reported that 80% of questioned seniors felt a strong sense of inner peace. A big part of this overall life satisfaction is linked to the choice of residence or where seniors live out their lives.

This phenomenon is called aging in place and has blown up over the last few years. Over 90% of seniors over 65 wish to live at home rather than at a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Interested in learning how to implement this decision into your life? This article explores the best aging-in-community options to make your retirement goals a reality.


Aging in place is one of the easiest ways to save money and add to your retirement fund. According to Insider, you can save as much as 19% just by having a roommate! Living with a roommate also comes with numerous benefits: You’ll have help and someone to split chores with, as well as a buddy and built-in support system — all while saving money! This lifestyle is so appealing to seniors that CBS News reports the roommate trend is growing twice as fast for those over 50 than any other demographic.

Another method to increase affordability is to downsize your home. Many seniors are empty nesters who don’t require large homes with multiple rooms any longer. Research home prices in your ideal neighborhood to figure out what you can afford. If you’d rather find an apartment instead of purchasing a new home, there are many options throughout the greater Orlando area. Check sites like to search for a place based on the number of bedrooms and the neighborhood you prefer, for example.


One of the biggest perks of aging in place is that you’ll be in a comfortable environment and free to live your life as you choose. Many choose this lifestyle so they can exert greater control over their personal lives. This, in turn, is linked to happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

However, remember that this is your forever home. You will need to design it to increase your standard of living to work for your unique needs. Consider making home modifications as an aging-in-place strategy. Your home should be fitted out to accommodate reduced mobility as well as assistive technologies if needed. If you’re house hunting, look for features such as wide doorways and ramps. Some easy renovations for greater safety and accessibility include lowering kitchen counters and widening the shower or bathtub area.


Aging in place done right should provide seniors with a sense of community and belonging. Some achieve this through roommates, while others choose to stay close to friends and family. Remaining connected to loved ones is the best support network and is linked to numerous health benefits for seniors.

The village to village model is another mechanism to increase social engagement while maintaining independence. These ‘villages’ bring together local resources and people in the community to build relationships that allow seniors to age safely at home. Nonprofits or regional organizations govern village to village programs to provide activities and opportunities for meeting, volunteering, and improving the neighborhood.

There you have it: three ways to age in place for every type of senior! Whether you value your independence or believe in the strength of the community, this growing trend has your back. Deciding not just how you want to age in place but where is also essential. Having a strategy and plan of action will allow you to gather the resources needed to live out the rest of your life comfortably.

Photo credit: Unsplash

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