By Michael Longsdon

Being a retiree is often synonymous with kicking back and enjoying your free time whether that is traveling, working on a hobby, or spending the day doing absolutely nothing. However, you’re a senior looking for a part-time job to keep you active and engaged while also giving you the ability to enjoy your retirement. Of course, there are the extra benefits, too, aside from the obvious extra income, such as health insurance, physical activity, socialization, and new challenges.

REAP is dedicated to helping you make the most of your retirement. They can help you organize your efforts into an optimized, cohesive plan. Call (855) 904-REAP to learn more about how they can help you reach your goals.

There are plenty of great part-time jobs perfect for retirees – we’ll dive into a few favorites below:


Before we start discussing your part-time job options, we need to talk about the ultimate in flexible part-time jobs – freelancing. There are jobs available in just about any task you can think of, with options in customer service, marketing, accounting, writing, and more. The beauty of freelancing is that you pick and choose the jobs, creating your own schedule and working on your own time.

Customer Service

Some of us are natural conversationalists, having the ability to strike up and hold a conversation with anyone both in person and on the phone. If this sounds like you, a part-time job in customer service might be up your alley whether it’s at an art museum, yoga studio, mall, or a law office. You can find virtual customer service jobs as well, requiring no more equipment than a working computer and reliable Internet; Small Revolution points out the keys to success involve the right workspace, mindset and routine.

Dropshipping Entrepreneur

If you’re business savvy and have a knack for capturing sales, why not turn your home into a business hub? Those who are tech-smart can prevent their home from turning into an inventory warehouse by using dropshipping. This method is perfect if you don’t want to invest in a storefront or house inventory, meaning low or no overhead, and an outside supplier handles everything from shipping to delivery. You can sell almost anything using the dropshipping method such as greeting cards, sunglasses, apparel, and makeup.

If your dropshipping endeavor grows and you intend to bring on employees to help you with different aspects of managing your business, you’ll keep to set up payroll. What is payroll? Although it does involve issuing paychecks, payroll is much more than that. Not only will you need to make sure you collect all of the proper paperwork from your employees (W-4, for example), you’ll also need to address taxes, withholdings, and garnishments. Payroll isn’t simple — you may decide to hire someone just to handle this aspect of the business.

Dog Walking

For the animal lovers out there, dog walking and/or pet sitting is a viable part-time job and an excellent way to combine exercise with furry snuggles. There are dog-walking apps to get you started such as Wag or Rover, but you can venture out on your own as well by simply spreading the word to family, friends, neighbors, and the surrounding community via a newspaper ad, social media post, or flyer. Next Avenue suggests you might enjoy pet sitting as well, giving you a companion to care for and love on.

Seasonal Work

For those retirees not ready or wanting to commit to a year-round job, a seasonal part-time job is a route to explore. If you’re good with numbers, you could offer your services during tax time as a tax preparer. An accounting degree helps, but it is by no means required. Once you pass the competency exam and receive your Preparer Tax Identification Number, you’re ready to roll. Tutoring is a seasonal option as well, whether it is summer tutoring to prepare for the upcoming school year, or school year tutoring to keep up with a current class or course.

Retirement gives you plenty of free time and you can fill it as you please. For retirees looking for part-time work to stay active and engaged, there is no shortage of part-time work options. The best part? You can earn some extra income, share your knowledge, and use your skills to help others.

Photo credit: Unsplash

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