By Jennifer Frost

The way that we age is only 20% down to genetics. The other 80% is down to how healthy we are and the lifestyle that we lead. If you retire at 60, you may have several decades to enjoy and it is important to spend this time well. You might be slowing down in terms of your working life, but to slow down the aging process, you should aim to keep up your physical activity.

Regular resistance training

As we get older, we naturally lose muscle mass at a rate of between 1-3% a year. This is known as sarcopenia. For men in particular this also means a reduced level of testosterone. Studies have shown that regular resistance training can help protect against losing muscle mass. In particular, exercises like squats, lunges, sit ups, deadlifts, push ups and bench presses are particularly effective. You might be retired, but you are never too old to start weight training, which can help keep up your levels of testosterone and ensure that you are healthy into old age.

Training for a 5K

Another way that you can keep up your physical activity is training for a 5K. This type of aerobic exercise is good for your vascular system, your heart and your brain. It stimulates the production of mitochondria in our cells, meaning that it slows down mitochondrial decay which in turn slows down the aging process. Running can help you to stay fit and healthy for much longer. Training with a goal in mind will help to keep you motivated. You can join a running group, spend some time jogging with friends, or even download a “couch to 5K app” on your smartphone to get you going.

Get plenty of sleep

After all your exercise, make sure that you get plenty of sleep at night. Research has shown that if you regularly get poor sleep, it has a direct effect on your skin, making you look older. Lack of sleep has also been linked to many diseases, including heart disease, as well as reducing the level of testosterone you have in inhibiting your cognitive ability. Aim to get between 6-8 hours sleep a night and you will look better and feel better.

Slowing down the aging process means that you will have a longer and healthier life. You can enjoy your retirement with a great sense of wellbeing.

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