Take the Ultimate Bucket List Vacation

From: REAP, LLC. | Retirement & Estate Advisors & Professionals

Financial planning often focuses on setting goals and creating a road map of actionable steps you can take today to achieve success. Objectives may include funding your retirement, saving for your children’s college tuition or amassing funds for a once-in-a-lifetime travel adventure.

Some feel that money is best spent on experiences rather than material things. If you’re in that camp, give yourself permission to dream big and take that ultimate trip. Of course, proper planning is a must when it comes to a vacation worthy of your bucket list. Here are some points to discuss with your financial advisor to help make your dream a reality.

What do you want to do?
Are you a thrill seeker who enjoys a good challenge? If so, you might like testing your limits on a tropical survivalist vacation. Or, if you prefer the company of an active community and the wide open seas, you might consider taking off to sail the world.

Where do you want to go?
Sometimes the journey is the destination. There’s nothing like taking in the view from the world’s tallest mountain. But if you plan to scale Mount Everest, make sure you prepare mentally, physically and financially for the extreme trip.

When do you want to go?
If your dream vacation is physically demanding, you may want to prioritize this sooner rather than later to take advantage of peak health. If you’re younger and have your sights set on something even more fantastic, like space travel, you can afford to wait and let the power of compound interest work in your favor.

We at REAP, LLC. are proud to have helped many families and individuals over the years. Our firm uses a “team approach” to focus on retirement issues, estate planning needs and other various financial challenges. For a FREE consultation:

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