Asset Based vs. Traditional LTC:

TraditionalAsset Based
Payment option (Pay premiums for life)Premiums can be lifetime/continuous pay or can be limited to a certain number of years – single pay, 10 pay, etc.
Initially the premium is less expensive than asset based LTC insuranceInitially the premium is more expensive than traditional LTC insurance
Limited benefitsBenefits can be for the lifetime of the insured
Written only on individual livesWritten on individual or joint lives

A Contrast:

TraditionalAsset Based
Does not build cash valueBuilds cash value
Does not provide a death benefitProvides a death benefit
Premiums are not guaranteedGuaranteed premiums
No ROPThe insured has a guaranteed surrender value or Return of premium option (depending on the contract)

A better Way of Self Insuring:


Asset Based vs. Traditional LTC:

Asset Based pay as you go planLeading LTCi product
$5k per insured$5k per insured
Lifetime benefits10 years per insured
30 day elimination in the home/60 all other services30 day elimination all services
$125k death benefitNo death benefit
Walk away yr 10-35k cash valueWalk away yr 10- $0
Walk away yr 20- 75k cash valueWalk away yr 20- $0
Guaranteed premiumsNon guaranteed premiums
$7749 annual premium$7206 annual premium